Mark Nenadov
Ever curious, ever learning.
Mark PhotoMark Interests
Technical Leader

I'm a curious software engineer with 24 years of industry experience, specializing in full-stack development. My roles have included CTO and Senior Software Developer.

For the curious, here is the tech I use.

✍️ Writer / Reviewer

I've published articles and poetry. My independent research is up at

I'm also a technical reviewer for publishers.

🌱 Enthusiastic Amatuer Naturalist

I'm more or less interested in every living creature, but over the years birds and moths have particularly caught my imagination. I earnestly collect data for various citizens cience projects, such as iNaturalist (I've recently posted my 30,000th observation).

In 2023, I documented 697 research-grade iNaturalist Arthropod species in Essex County, Ontario. Check out the CBC radio interview and the data I gathered.

📚 Reading

I'm an avid reader and you can find me on Goodreads. I'm also collected a number of quotes from my reading.

📷 Photography

My wildlife photography has been used by various sources, such as Smithsonian Magazine, Ontario Nature, Maryland DNR, and Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies,

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